Men’s Health and Well-Being

Men’s Health and Well-Being

Men, the muscular human being who portrays everything to be fine with them is the one who ignores their health. Men’s Health Week 2023  is celebrated from 12-18th June to bring awareness to men's health. ` 

Why do Men need to take care of themselves? 

Well, you might seem healthy externally but unaware of what’s the scenario going on inside your body. It is important so that you don’t burn out. Women on the other side live longer than men because they don’t ignore the symptoms they are facing, and visit doctors when needed.  

Whereas men are scared to visit a doctor, go for routine check-ups, or just take time for unwinding. Taking care of yourself will keep you good mentally, physically, and emotionally as well for your family members. This might cut down on the cost of medical expenses which is hiking every year.  

How to take care of yourself as a man? 

I know this must be hard for some men as they were always taught to take care of others while avoiding themselves. They are just selfless beings who we don’t praise much. Here are simple steps you can take  

  1. Have small frequent meals: Meals should be consumed in small portions in a frequent manner. This makes sure the energy is constant and you are focused at your work. I understand carrying all the meals won’t be practical so keeping BodyFirst My Crunch protein bar can provide some energy, protein, and fiber on the go.
  2. Have High Protein food: Protein is required for survival, muscle recovery, cell repair and so on. Men require more protein than women. Including high protein foods like chicken breast, thighs, eggs, meat, fish and if you are vegetarian you can include soy, paneer, rajma, chole, and chana. Getting sufficient protein from vegetarian sources is difficult. That’s why you can include BodyFirst Ultimate Whey as it is protein powder for men. 
  3. Keep an eye on your alcohol intake: As per new WHO guidelines, even one drop of alcohol is not considered safe as alcohol can damage your liver. If you are someone who had huge amounts of alcohol, it’s time to take care of your liver with Milk Thistle as it is rich in antioxidants, helps in the inhibition of lipid peroxidation, and enhances liver detoxification.
  4. Level down your smoking: Smoking is a new trend whether it's a cigarette, vape, beedi, hookah, electronic cigar, etc. No level of smoke including vape is safe. Try to cut down the level of smoking initially while maintaining some distance from peers who are into smoking. This can create a safe environment for you to step back and think about your health. 
  5. Keep your stress away: You might probably think stress and adulting go hand-in-hand. But that’s not entirely true. Stress can degrade your energy levels and health but to keep you in shape you can do some breathing exercises when possible while including health supplement like Ashwagandha which is extracted from roots to keep you stress relief
  6. Skin care routine: Well, it isn’t a bad idea to have a skin care routine.  Make sure you at least wash your face twice in a day and oil your hair a day before you shampoo. Wash your hair twice in a week and maintaining hygiene is crucial in maintaining good health. You can also consume Tocotrienol Super vitamin E for taking good care of your hair, skin, and nails. 

It’s time to think about yourself, your health and make it a priority. Following a well-balanced diet, exercising daily, and including dietary supplements is a must. 

Have a routine to unwind yourself that keeps you away from burning out. Don’t be afraid of how to follow all these steps, you can start one step at a time. Focus on overall wellbeing is needed.

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