Tips to Boost Your Mental Health and Well-Being

Tips to Boost Your Mental Health and Well-Being

A vital part of being healthy is to have good mental health. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 'Health is a condition of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not only the absence of disease or disability.' It emphasizes that mental health encompasses more than just the absence of mental impairments or diseases. A person's mental health influences their emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It has an impact on how an individual thinks, feels, and behaves, which affects all facets of behaviour. One of the most  neglected aspects of health worldwide was mental health. Since poor mental health can result in physical health difficulties and good mental health can help prevent physical health concerns, there has been an increase in awareness of the importance of mental health in recent years. So, maintaining overall health entails taking care of both your body and mind. This article talks about tips to boost your mental health and well-being.   

Good Food = Good Mood 

Many Scientific studies have proven that eating a healthy diet can positively affect mood. The way the brain's neurons work is related to the connection between the brain and food. Consuming nutritious foods can assist in the creation of new neurons. The more connected your neurons are, the more you can think, learn, remember, and communicate effectively. And you'll feel better mentally when your brain works more effectively. Including berries like strawberry, and mulberry, whole grains like millet, brown rice, and whole wheat can positively affect our mood. Almonds, cashews, and walnuts contribute to a rise in serotonin production, which elevates mood. 

Balance Work Life 

Hustle culture is encouraged in today's world, but there exists a thin line between working hard and following a toxic work culture that drains the life out of you. Taking enough breaks and practicing hobbies help to relax and rejuvenate. Many studies have shown that individuals who practice a hobby after work lead more content and happier lives, contrary to those who do not. It is necessary to take adequate breaks and take up a hobby/hobbies that help you stay occupied and look forward to things apart from work. 

Sleep Like A Baby 

Sleep is closely related to mental and emotional health and has demonstrated links to several mental conditions like depression and anxiety. Researchers have found that people who averaged less than six hours of sleep are more likely to report frequent mental distress than those who averaged more than six hours. Experts recommend that individuals of 20 years and up must complete over 7 hours of sleep to avoid waking up on the wrong side of the bed. Getting an adequate amount of good-quality sleep is crucial to good mental health.  

Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness is the ability to pay attention to the time at hand using techniques like meditation, breathing exercises, and yoga. It aids in raising awareness of our thoughts and emotions so that, rather than being overpowered by them, we are better able to control them. By paying attention to and responding to each sensation you experience, mindfulness is a lot like coming to terms with your body. Mindfulness can enhance your general well-being and help you better concentrate, improve focus and manage stress.   

Exercise Regularly

Exercise acts as a natural stress reliever and is beneficial for your physical and mental health. Individuals who exercise frequently usually do it because it makes them feel good. They have more energy throughout the day, have better sleep at night, and feel more at ease and enthusiastic about their lives. Also, it lowers stress, enhances memory, promotes sound sleep, and uplifts your mood in general. Regular exercise significantly improves symptoms of depression, anxiety, and ADHD. Physical activity releases endorphins, which help relax the muscles and relieves tension in the body. The body and mind are closely linked so that when your body feels better, your mind will too.   

Avoid Smoking And Drinking Alcohol 

People who feel depressed often tend to resort to habits like smoking and drinking to feel better. Though nicotine triggers the production of dopamine and provides temporary relief from depressing thoughts, researchers have found that smoking is not only bad for physical health but can adversely affect mental health by worsening anxiety and depression. Drinking alcohol, on the other hand, disrupts neurotransmitters affecting one's mood and feelings. Studies have shown that alcohol is a depressant, and people who drink are at a higher risk of having poor mental health than those who don't.  

Stay Connected 

Everyone needs someone they can talk to at the end of the day. As humans we are social animals which is why when such feelings begin to pile up find someone with whom you can confide in. It could be anyone, a friend, a parent, family member or even a teacher. When battling with mental health related problems building face to face relationships may not always come easy and that's where technology can help. Having someone near or far to lend an ear can make a positive impact on an individual’s mental health. Talking or opening up to someone also helps one process feelings and makes one feel lighter.  

Don't Be Shy To Seek Professional Help  

The tips listed in the article are mere practices that may help improve your Mental health but cannot be considered a cure. Mental health and peace of mind are of utmost importance, and hence it is necessary to seek professional help if needed. Professionals have resources and can guide you in ways that friends and family cannot. There is nothing to be ashamed of when seeking a professional's help. Even persons without anxiety, depression or any other mental health symptom can benefit from therapy sessions. 

The bottom line is the quality of your life is affected by your mental health. Even though many things that can affect your mental health are outside your control, adopting healthy behaviours can help you feel better. Life can get busy and sometimes stressful, but we must always prioritize our Mental Health and Well-being. 

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