Importance of Daily Protein

Importance of Daily Protein

Protein is considered as an essential macronutrient for growth and survival. But are we really focusing on our daily intake of protein?   

The daily protein requirement is different for each individual. It depends on the individual's health status and fitness goals. On an average, a person can consume 0.8g to 1.1 grams of protein per kg of their body weight, if that individual is free from any ailment.  

In this blog, we will explore the importance of daily protein intake, its role in health and overall well-being

1. Muscle recovery:

Protein aids in muscle health and recovery. Individuals performing exercise on a daily basis tear their muscle due to excessive usage of a particular tissue in the muscle. Protein helps in repairing tissue damage. If you are looking for a good protein supplement you can check Enzo Whey PerformanceWhey Isolate, and BodyFirst Ultimate Whey

2. Weight management:

Protein plays a significant role in weight management. High protein foods tend to have a greater satiety level, keeping your tummy full for more time and  decreasing cravings.  If you are busy, and have no time to cook and carry high protein food, feel free to have Whey Hydrozyme that helps fulfill your protein requirement and satiates your hunger.  

3. Nutrient Absorption and Metabolism:

Protein is also required for metabolism and absorption of nutrients. It helps in transport of nutrients like fats, vitamins, minerals, iron, etc.  

4. Blood Glucose Management:

Carbohydrates are classified into three groups based on their glycemic index, meaning the rate at which they release sugars in the blood. Our staple foods like rice and wheat have a high glycemic index, i.e. they rapidly raise blood sugar levels. However, when you combine carbs with proteins, the absorption of nutrients slows down and as a result, the blood sugar levels are in control.   

5. Immunity:

Our immune system, when triggered or exposed to a disease, produces antibodies which are proteins in nature. Adequate protein is required during illness, injury, or infection to control the body’s process to fight against the antigen. To support the healing process, maintain a high-protein diet.   

6. Bone Health: 

Studies reveal that low protein intake (i.e.< 0.8g/ kg body weight/ day) is often observed in patients with hip fractures and also relates with osteoporosis. Protein is also required for the synthesis of collagen required in the joints of the bones.  

7. Hormone Regulation:

Proteins are involved in the production and regulation of hormones, which are responsible for various bodily functions. Hormones such as insulin, glucagon and growth hormone are protein-based and play a critical role in metabolism, energy regulation, and tissue growth and repair.    

8. Hair, Skin, and Nail Health:

Protein is a fundamental component of our hair, skin and nails. It provides the necessary amino acids for the synthesis of keratin, the protein which strengthens and maintains the integrity of these structures. Adequate protein intake supports healthy hair growthskin elasticity and strong nails. 

Incorporating Protein into your diet:

To ensure sufficient daily protein intake, include a variety of protein-rich foods in your diet. Excellent sources of protein include lean meats, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products, legumes, nuts, and seeds. If you follow a plant-based diet, combining different plant-based diet sources can help meet your protein requirements. 

If you are looking for a healthy pre-workout snack, grab BodyFirst Peanut Butter which has the goodness of Omega-3, and if you need some drink throughout your workout, check out EAA by BodyFirst which can provide protein and energy while exercising. 

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